Some of the downloadable files are authors' versions or pre-prints. See also the respective
- Pape, S. and Rannenberg, K.: Applying Privacy Patterns to the Internet of Things' (IoT) Architecture. In Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) -- The Journal of SPECIAL ISSUES on Mobility of Systems, Users, Data and Computing, 24 (3): 925-933, 2019.
- Pape, S.; Flake, J.; Beckmann, A. and Jürjens, J.: STAGE -- A Software Tool for Automatic Grading of Testing Exercises -- Case Study Paper. In Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2016, Austin, TX, USA, May 14-22, 2016 - Companion Volume, pages 491-500, 2016, Acceptance rate: (22+4)/64 = (34.4 + 6.3) %.
- Ochoa, M.; Pape, S.; Ruhroth, T.; Sprick, B.; Stenzel, K. and Sudbrock, H.: Report on the RS3 Topic Workshop "Security Properties in Software Engineering". Technical Report, Universitätsbibliothek der Universität Augsburg, Universitätsstr. 22, 86159 Augsburg, 2012.
- Pape, S.; Schöch, C. and Wegner, L.: TEICHI and the Tools Paradox. Developing a Publishing Framework for Digital Editions. In Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative, 2: 1-16, 2012.
- Pape, S.; Schöch, C. and Wegner, L.: Bringing Bérardier de Bataut's Essai sur le récit to the Web: Editorial Requirements and Publishing Framework (Poster). In Poster at: TEI 2010, The 2010 Conference of the Text Encoding Initiative Consortium, 2010.
- Pape, S.; Schöch, C. and Wegner, L.: A Framework for TEI-Based Scholarly Text Editions. Technical Report, Universität Kassel, 2010.
- Pape, S.; Dietz, L. and Tandler, P.: Single Display Gaming: Examining Collaborative Games for Multi-User Tabletops. In Workshop on Gaming Applications in Pervasive Computing Environments at Pervasive '04, 2004.