

Some of the downloadable files are authors' versions or pre-prints. See also the respective disclaimers.


  1. Pape, S.: Authentication in Insecure Environments -- Using Visual Cryptography and Non-Transferable Credentials in Practise. Springer Vieweg, Research , 2014.
    DOI Link Abstract pape14authenticationBibtexcryptoprivacysecurity
  2. Pape, S.: Sicherheitsmodelle für das Ajtai-Dwork-Kryptosystem: Untersuchungen eines Kryptosystems mit Worst-Case / Average-Case Äquivalenz zum unique Shortest Vector Problem. Vdm Verlag Dr. Müller, 2008.
    Link Abstract pape08ajtai-dworkBibtexcrypto

Journal Articles

  1. Harborth, D. and Pape, S.: Investigating Privacy Concerns Related to Mobile Augmented Reality Apps - A Vignette Based Online Experiment. In Computers in Human Behavior, 122, 2021.
    DOI Link Abstract HP21chbBibtexprivacycs4e
  2. Löbner, S.; Tesfay, W. B.; Nakamura, T. and Pape, S.: Explainable Machine Learning for Default Privacy Setting Prediction. In IEEE Access, 9: 63700-63717, 2021.
    DOI Link Abstract LTNP21accessBibtexprivacycs4e
  3. Pape, S. and Kipker, D-K.: Case Study: Checking a Serious Security-Awareness Game for its Legal Adequacy. In Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, 45 (5): 310-314, 2021.
    DOI Link Abstract PK21dudBibtexsecuritysocial engineeringcs4ehatchthreat-arrest
  4. Schmitz, C.; Schmid, M.; Harborth, D. and Pape, S.: Maturity Level Assessments of Information Security Controls: An Empirical Analysis of Practitioners' Assessment Capabilities. In Computers & Security, 108, 2021.
    DOI Link Abstract SSHP21coseBibtexsecuritycs4e
  5. Harborth, D. and Pape, S.: Empirically Investigating Extraneous Influences on the "APCO" Model - Childhood Brand Nostalgia and the Positivity Bias. In Future Internet, 12(12) (220), 2020.
    DOI Link Abstract HP20futureinternetBibtexprivacyanon
  6. Harborth, D. and Pape, S.: How Privacy Concerns, Trust and Risk Beliefs and Privacy Literacy Influence Users' Intentions to Use Privacy-Enhancing Technologies - The Case of Tor. In ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, 51 (1): 51-69, 2020.
    PDF DOI Link Dataset Dataset Abstract HP20sigmisBibtexinformation systemsprivacyanon
  7. Harborth, D.; Pape, S. and Rannenberg, K.: Explaining the Technology Use Behavior of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies: The Case of Tor and JonDonym. In Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs), 2020 (2): 111-128, 2020.
    PDF DOI Link Dataset Dataset Dataset Dataset Abstract HPR20petsBibtexinformation systemsprivacyanoncs4e
  8. Pape, S.; Ivan, A.; Harborth, D.; Nakamura, T.; Kiyomoto, S.; Takasaki, H. and Rannenberg, K.: Re-evaluating Internet Users' Information Privacy Concerns: The Case in Japan. In AIS Transactions on Replication Research, 6 (18): 1-18, 2020.
    DOI Link Abstract PIHNKTR20trrBibtexprivacy
  9. Pape, S.; Ivan, A.; Harborth, D.; Nakamura, T.; Kiyomoto, S.; Takasaki, H. and Rannenberg, K.: Open Materials Discourse: Re-evaluating Internet Users' Information Privacy Concerns: The Case in Japan. In AIS Transactions on Replication Research, 6 (22): 1-7, 2020.
    DOI Link Abstract PIHNKTR20trromdBibtexprivacy
  10. Pape, S.; Paci, F.; Juerjens, J. and Massacci, F.: Selecting a Secure Cloud Provider: An Empirical Study and Multi Criteria Approach. In Information, 11 (5), 2020.
    PDF DOI Link Abstract PPJM20informationBibtexsecuritycloudatcs4eseconomics
  11. Schmitz, C. and Pape, S.: LiSRA: Lightweight Security Risk Assessment for Decision Support in Information Security. In Computers & Security, 90, 2020.
    PDF DOI Link Abstract SP20coseBibtexsecuritysidate
  12. Harborth, D. and Pape, S.: How Nostalgic Feelings Impact Pokémon Go Players - Integrating Childhood Brand Nostalgia into the Technology Acceptance Theory. In Behaviour & Information Technology, 39 (12): 1276-1296, 2019.
    PDF DOI Link Abstract HP19bitBibtexinformation systemsanon
  13. Pape, S. and Rannenberg, K.: Applying Privacy Patterns to the Internet of Things' (IoT) Architecture. In Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) -- The Journal of SPECIAL ISSUES on Mobility of Systems, Users, Data and Computing, 24 (3): 925-933, 2019.
    PDF DOI Slides Link Abstract PR19monetBibtexiotprivacysoftware engineering
  14. Pape, S. and Rannenberg, K.: Cyber-Gefahren auf dem Radar. In ManagementKompass: Unternehmen schützen -- Risiken minimieren, November (03): pages 9-12, 2018.
  15. Schaab, P.; Beckers, K. and Pape, S.: Social engineering defence mechanisms and counteracting training strategies. In Information and Computer Security, 25 (2): 206-222, 2017.
    PDF DOI Link Abstract SBP17icsBibtexsecuritysocial engineering
  16. Pape, S.; Schöch, C. and Wegner, L.: TEICHI and the Tools Paradox. Developing a Publishing Framework for Digital Editions. In Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative, 2: 1-16, 2012.
    PDF DOI Link Abstract PSW12jteiBibtexsoftware engineeringteichi

Conference and Workshop Papers (peer-reviewed)

  1. Bracamonte, V.; Pape, S. and Kiyomoto, S.: Investigating User Intention to Use a Privacy Sensitive Information Detection Tool. In Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security (SCIS), 2021.
    Abstract BPK21SCISBibtexprivacy
  2. Hatzivasilis, G.; Ioannidis, S.; Smyrlis, M.; Spanoudakis, G.; Frati, F.; Braghin, C.; Damiani, E.; Koshutanski, H.; Tsakirakis, G.; Hildebrandt, T.; Goeke, L.; Pape, S.; Blinder, O.; Vinov, M.; Leftheriotis, G.; Kunc, M.; Oikonomou, F.; Magilo, G.; Petrarolo, V.; Chieti, A. and Bordianu, R.: The THREAT-ARREST cyber ranges platform. In IEEE CSR Workshop on Cyber Ranges and Security Training (CRST), 2021.
    Abstract HISSFBDKTHGPBVLKOMPCB21crstBibtex
  3. Harborth, D.; Pape, S. and Rannenberg, K.: Explaining the Technology Use Behavior of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies: The Case of Tor and JonDonym (Poster). In 17th Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2021), 2021.
    Abstract HPR21soupsposterBibtex
  4. Pape, S.; Harborth, D. and Kröger, J. L.: Privacy Concerns Go Hand in Hand with Lack of Knowledge: The Case of the German Corona-Warn-App. In ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection - 36th IFIP TC 11 International Conference, SEC 2021, pages 256-269, Springer, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 625, 2021.
    DOI Link Abstract PHK21ifipsecBibtexinformation systemsprivacycs4e
  5. Pape, S.; Klauer, A. and Rebler, M.: Leech: Let's Expose Evidently bad data Collecting Habits - Towards a Serious Game on Understanding Privacy Policies (Poster). In 17th Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2021), 2021.
    Abstract PKR21soupsposterBibtex
  6. Hazilov, V. and Pape, S.: Systematic Scenario Creation for Serious Security-Awareness Games. In Computer Security - ESORICS 2020 International Workshops, DETIPS, DeSECSys, MPS, and SPOSE, Guildford, UK, September 17-18, 2020, Revised Selected Papers, Springer International Publishing, Cham, LNCS 12580, 2020.
    PDF DOI Link Abstract HP20sposeBibtexsecuritysocial engineeringcs4ehatchthreat-arrest
  7. Pape, S.; Goeke, L.; Quintanar, A. and Beckers, K.: Conceptualization of a CyberSecurity Awareness Quiz. In Computer Security - ESORICS 2020 International Workshops MSTEC, pages 61-76, Springer International Publishing, Cham, LNCS 12512, 2020.
    PDF DOI Slides Link Abstract PGQB20mstecBibtexsecurityserious gamesocial engineeringcs4ethreat-arrest
  8. Pape, S.; Schmitz, C.; Kipker, D-K. and Sekula, A.: On the use of Information Security Management Systems by German Energy Providers. In Presented at the Fourteenth IFIP Working Group 11.10 International Conference on Critical Infrastructure Protection, 2020.
    Abstract PSKS20iccipBibtexinformation systemssecuritycs4esidate
  9. Schmitz, C.; Sekulla, A. and Pape, S.: Asset-centric analysis and visualisation of attack trees. In Graphical Models for Security - 7th International Workshop, GraMSec@CSF 2020, Boston, MA, USA, Virtual Conference, June 22, 2020, Revised Selected Papers, pages 45-64, Springer, LNCS 12419, 2020.
    DOI Link Abstract SSP20gramsecBibtexsecuritycs4e
  10. Goeke, L.; Quintanar, A.; Beckers, K. and Pape, S.: PROTECT - An Easy Configurable Serious Game to Train Employees Against Social Engineering Attacks. In Computer Security - ESORICS 2019 International Workshops, IOSec, MSTEC, and FINSEC, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, September 26-27, 2019, Revised Selected Papers, pages 156-171, Springer International Publishing, Cham, LNCS 11981, 2019.
    PDF DOI Link Abstract GQBP19mstecBibtexsecurityserious gamesocial engineeringthreat-arrest
  11. Harborth, D.; Cai, X. and Pape, S.: Why Do People Pay for Privacy?. In ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection - 34th IFIP TC 11 International Conference, SEC 2019, Lisbon, Portugal, June 25-27, 2019, Proceedings, pages 253-267, 2019, Acceptance rate: 26 / 142 = 18.3%.
    PDF DOI Link Dataset Dataset Abstract HCP19ifipsecBibtexinformation systemsprivacyanon
  12. Hamm, P.; Harborth, D. and Pape, S.: A Systematic Analysis of User Evaluations in Security Research. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, ARES 2019, Canterbury, UK, August 26-29, 2019, ACM, 2019.
    PDF DOI Link Abstract HHP19iwsmrBibtexsecuritycs4e
  13. Harborth, D. and Pape, S.: How Privacy Concerns and Trust and Risk Beliefs Influence Users' Intentions to Use Privacy-Enhancing Technologies -- The Case of Tor. In 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2019, pages 4851-4860, 2019, Acceptance rate: 48%.
    DOI Link Abstract HP19hicssBibtexinformation systemsprivacyanon
  14. Harborth, D. and Pape, S.: Investigating Privacy Concerns related to Mobile Augmented Reality Applications. In Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Information Systems ICIS 2019, Munich, Germany, December 13-15, 2019, 2019.
    PDF Link Abstract HP19icisBibtexinformation systemsprivacy
  15. Hatamian, M.; Pape, S. and Rannenberg, K.: ESARA: A Framework for Enterprise Smartphone Apps Risk Assessment. In ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection - 34th IFIP TC 11 International Conference, SEC 2019, Lisbon, Portugal, June 25-27, 2019, Proceedings, pages 165-179, 2019, Acceptance rate: 26 / 142 = 18.3%.
    PDF DOI Link Abstract HPR19ifipsecBibtexsecurityprivacy'n'us
  16. Pape, S. and Stankovic, J.: An Insight into Decisive Factors in Cloud Provider Selection with a Focus on Security. In Computer Security - ESORICS 2019 International Workshops, CyberICPS, SECPRE, SPOSE, ADIoT, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, September 26-27, 2019, Revised Selected Papers, pages 287-306, Springer International Publishing, Cham, LNCS 11980, 2019.
    PDF DOI Slides Link Abstract PS19sposeBibtexinformation systemssecurity
  17. Schmid, M.; Akarkach, K. and Pape, S.: Comparison of different aggregated information security control maturities from AHP ranked companies (Extended abstract). In Preproceedings of IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management - Data for Better Living: AI and Privacy 2019 (IFIPSC2019), 2019.
    Abstract SAP19secBibtexsecurity
  18. Schmid, M. and Pape, S.: A structured comparison of the corporate information security. In ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection - 34th IFIP TC 11 International Conference, SEC 2019, Lisbon, Portugal, June 25-27, 2019, Proceedings, pages 223-237, 2019, Acceptance rate: 26 / 142 = 18.3%.
    DOI Link Abstract SP19ifipsecBibtexsecurity
  19. Sekulla, A.; Schmitz, C.; Pape, S. and Pipek, V.: Demonstrator zur Beschreibung und Visualisierung einer kritischen Infrastruktur. In Human Practice. Digital Ecologies. Our Future. 14. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2019), February 24-27, 2019, Siegen, Germany, pages 1978, 2019.
    Link Abstract SSPP19wiBibtexsecuritysidate
  20. Aladawy, D.; Beckers, K. and Pape, S.: PERSUADED: Fighting Social Engineering Attacks with a Serious Game. In Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business - 15th International Conference, TrustBus 2018, Regensburg, Germany, September 5-6, 2018, Proceedings, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11033, 2018, ISBN 978-3-319-98384-4, Acceptance rate: 15 / 29 = 51.7%.
    DOI Link Abstract ABP18trustbusBibtexprivacysecurityserious gamesocial engineeringsidate
  21. Harborth, D.; Braun, M.; Grosz, A.; Pape, S. and Rannenberg, K.: Anreize und Hemmnisse für die Implementierung von Privacy-Enhancing Technologies im Unternehmenskontext. In Sicherheit 2018: Sicherheit, Schutz und Zuverlässigkeit, Beiträge der 9. Jahrestagung des Fachbereichs Sicherheit der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), 25.-27. April 2018, Konstanz, pages 29-41, 2018.
    PDF DOI Slides Link Abstract HBGPR18sicherheitBibtexinformation systemsprivacyanonsioc
  22. Harborth, D. and Pape, S.: Examining Technology Use Factors of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies: The Role of Perceived Anonymity and Trust. In 24th Americas Conference on Information Systems, AMCIS 2018, New Orleans, LA, USA, August 16-18, 2018, Association for Information Systems, 2018.
    PDF Link Abstract HP18amcisBibtexinformation systemsprivacyanon
  23. Harborth, D. and Pape, S.: JonDonym Users' Information Privacy Concerns. In ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection - 33rd IFIP TC 11 International Conference, SEC 2018, Held at the 24th IFIP World Computer Congress, WCC 2018, Poznan, Poland, September 18-20, 2018, Proceedings, pages 170-184, 2018, Acceptance rate: 27 / 89 = 30.3%.
    PDF DOI Slides Link Dataset Dataset Abstract HP18ifipsecBibtexinformation systemsprivacyanon
  24. Pape, S.; Tasche, D.; Bastys, I.; Grosz, A.; Laessig, J. and Rannenberg, K.: Towards an Architecture for Pseudonymous E-Commerce -- Applying Privacy by Design to Online Shopping. In Sicherheit 2018: Sicherheit, Schutz und Zuverlässigkeit, Beiträge der 9. Jahrestagung des Fachbereichs Sicherheit der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), 25.-27. April 2018, Konstanz, pages 17-28, 2018.
    PDF DOI Slides Link Abstract PTBGLR18sicherheitBibtexprivacysioc
  25. Paul, N.; Tesfay, W. B.; Kipker, D-K.; Stelter, M. and Pape, S.: Assessing Privacy Policies of Internet of Things Services. In ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection - 33rd IFIP TC 11 International Conference, SEC 2018, Held at the 24th IFIP World Computer Congress, WCC 2018, Poznan, Poland, September 18-20, 2018, Proceedings, pages 156-169, 2018, Acceptance rate: 27 / 89 = 30.3%.
    PDF DOI Slides Link Abstract PTKSP18ifipsecBibtexiotprivacyanon
  26. Schmitz, C.; Sekula, A.; Pape, S.; Pipek, V. and Rannenberg, K.: Easing the Burden of Security Self-Assessments. In 12th International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance, HAISA 2018 ,Dundee, Scotland, August 29-31, 2018, Proceedings., 2018.
    PDF Link Abstract SSPPR18haisaBibtexsecuritysidate
  27. Beckers, K.; Fries, V.; Groen, E. C. and Pape, S.: Creativity Techniques for Social Engineering Threat Elicitation: A Controlled Experiment. In Joint Proceedings of REFSQ-2017 Workshops, Doctoral Symposium, Research Method Track, and Poster Track co-located with the 22nd International Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2017), Essen, Germany, February 27, 2017., 2017.
    PDF Slides Link Abstract BFGP17CreaREBibtexsecurityserious gamesocial engineeringhatch
  28. Beckers, K.; Schosser, D.; Pape, S. and Schaab, P.: A Structured Comparison of Social Engineering Intelligence Gathering Tools. In Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business - 14th International Conference, TrustBus 2017, Lyon, France, August 30-31, 2017, Proceedings, pages 232-246, 2017, Revision 1, Table 7 was corrected, see
    PDF DOI Slides Link Abstract BSPS17trustbusBibtexprivacysecuritysocial engineeringsidate
  29. Harborth, D. and Pape, S.: Age Matters - Privacy Concerns of Pokémon Go Players in Germany (Extended Abstract). In Preproceedings of IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management - the Smart World Revolution 2017 (IFIPSC2017), 2017.
    PDF Abstract HP17ifipsc_eaBibtexinformation systemsprivacy
  30. Harborth, D. and Pape, S.: Exploring the Hype: Investigating Technology Acceptance Factors of Pokémon Go. In 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, ISMAR 2017, Nantes, France, October 9-13, 2017, pages 155-168, 2017, Acceptance rate: (17)/99 = 17.2 %.
    PDF DOI Link Abstract HP17ismarBibtexinformation systems
  31. Sailer, M.; Hoppenz, C.; Beckers, K. and Pape, S.: Förderung von IT-Sicherheitsbewusstheit durch spielbasiertes Lernen - eine experimentelle Studie. In Tagung der Sektion ``Empirische Bildungsforschung'' -- Educational Research and Governance (AEPF 2017), 2017.
    PDF Link Abstract SHBP17aepfBibtexsecurityserious gamesocial engineering
  32. Beckers, K. and Pape, S.: A Serious Game for Eliciting Social Engineering Security Requirements. In Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering, IEEE Computer Society, RE '16 , 2016, Acceptance Rate: 22/79 = 27.8%.
    PDF DOI Link Abstract BP16reBibtexsecurityserious gamesocial engineeringhatchsidate
  33. Beckers, K.; Pape, S. and Fries, V.: HATCH: Hack And Trick Capricious Humans -- A Serious Game on Social Engineering. In Proceedings of the 2016 British HCI Conference, Bournemouth, United Kingdom, July 11-15, 2016, 2016.
    PDF Poster Link Abstract BPF16bhciBibtexsecurityserious gamesocial engineeringhatchsidate
  34. Dax, J.; Hamburg, D.; Kreusch, M.; Ley, B.; Pape, S.; Pipek, V.; Rannenberg, K.; Schmitz, C. and Terhaag, F.: Sichere Informationsinfrastrukturen für kleine und mittlere Energieversorger. In Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) -- Teilkonferenz IT-Sicherheit für Kritische Infrastrukturen (Poster), 2016.
    PDF Poster Abstract DHKLPPRST16mkwiBibtexsecuritysidate
  35. Dax, J.; Ley, B.; Pape, S.; Schmitz, C.; Pipek, V. and Rannenberg, K.: Elicitation of Requirements for an inter-organizational Platform to Support Security Management Decisions. In 10th International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance, HAISA 2016 ,Frankfurt, Germany, July 19-21, 2016, Proceedings., 2016.
    PDF Link Abstract DLPSPR16haisaBibtexsecuritysidate
  36. Pape, S.; Flake, J.; Beckmann, A. and Jürjens, J.: STAGE -- A Software Tool for Automatic Grading of Testing Exercises -- Case Study Paper. In Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2016, Austin, TX, USA, May 14-22, 2016 - Companion Volume, pages 491-500, 2016, Acceptance rate: (22+4)/64 = (34.4 + 6.3) %.
    PDF DOI Slides Link Abstract PFBJ16icseBibtexsoftware engineering
  37. Schaab, P.; Beckers, K. and Pape, S.: A systematic Gap Analysis of Social Engineering Defence Mechanisms considering Social Psychology. In 10th International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance, HAISA 2016, Frankfurt, Germany, July 19-21, 2016, Proceedings., 2016.
    PDF Link Abstract SBP16haisaBibtexsecuritysocial engineering
  38. Tschersich, M.; Kiyomoto, S.; Pape, S.; Nakamura, T.; Bal, G.; Takasaki, H. and Rannenberg, K.: On Gender Specific Perception of Data Sharing in Japan. In ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection - 31st IFIP TC 11 International Conference, SEC 2016, Ghent, Belgium, May 30 - June 1, 2016, Proceedings, pages 150-160, 2016, Acceptance rate: 27/139 = 20.9%.
    PDF DOI Slides Link Abstract TKPNBTR16ifipsecBibtexinformation systemsprivacy
  39. Tesfay, W. B.; Serna, J. and Pape, S.: Challenges in Detecting Privacy Revealing Information in Unstructured Text. In Workshop on Society, Privacy and the Semantic Web - Policy and Technology PrivOn 2016 at the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) 2016, Kobe, Japan, 2016.
    PDF Link Abstract TSP16privonBibtexprivacy
  40. Pape, S.; Serna-Olvera, J. and Tesfay, W.: Why Open Data May Threaten Your Privacy. In Workshop on Privacy and Inference, co-located with KI, 2015.
    PDF Slides Abstract PST15prinfBibtexprivacy
  41. Pape, S.: Sample or Random Security - A Security Model for Segment-Based Visual Cryptography. In Financial Cryptography and Data Security - 18th International Conference, FC 2014, Christ Church, Barbados, March 3-7, 2014, Revised Selected Papers, pages 291-303, 2014, Acceptance rate: 31 / 138 = 22.5%.
    PDF DOI Slides Link Abstract Pape14fcBibtexcrypto
  42. Bleikertz, S.; Mastelic, T.; Pape, S.; Pieters, W. and Dimkov, T.: Defining the Cloud Battlefield -- Supporting Security Assessments by Cloud Customers. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E), pages 78-87, 2013, Acceptance rate: 22 / 107 = 20.6%.
    PDF DOI Link Abstract BMPPD13ic2eBibtexsecuritysecureclouds
  43. Pape, S.; Schöch, C. and Wegner, L.: Bringing Bérardier de Bataut's Essai sur le récit to the Web: Editorial Requirements and Publishing Framework (Poster). In Poster at: TEI 2010, The 2010 Conference of the Text Encoding Initiative Consortium, 2010.
    Poster LinkBibtexsoftware engineeringteichi
  44. Greveler, U.; Laskov, P. and Pape, S.: Sicherer Umgang mit sensiblen Daten - technische Prävention und Reaktionen auf Datenschutzverletzungen. In GI Jahrestagung: Informatik 2009: Im Focus das Leben, Beiträge der 39. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), 28.9.-2.10.2009, Lübeck, Proceedings, pages 186-190, GI, LNI 154, 2009.
  45. Pape, S.: A Survey on Untransferable Anonymous Credentials (extended abstract). In Pre-Proceedings of the IFIP/FIDIS Summer School on ``The Future of Identity in the Information Society'', Brno, 2008.
    Abstract Pape08fidispreBibtexprivacy
  46. Pape, S. and Benamar, N.: Using Identity-Based Public-Key Cryptography with Images to Preserve Privacy (extended Abstract). In Pre-Proceedings of the IFIP/FIDIS Summer School on ``The Future of Identity in the Information Society'', Karlstad, 2007.
    Abstract PB07fidispreBibtexcryptoprivacy
  47. Pape, S.; Dietz, L. and Tandler, P.: Single Display Gaming: Examining Collaborative Games for Multi-User Tabletops. In Workshop on Gaming Applications in Pervasive Computing Environments at Pervasive '04, 2004.
    Abstract PDT04pervasiveBibtexsoftware engineering

Book Chapters

  1. Schmid, M. and Pape, S.: Aggregating Corporate Information Security Maturity Levels of Different Assets. In Privacy and Identity Management. Data for Better Living: AI and Privacy - 14th IFIP WG 9.2, 9.6/11.7, 11.6/SIG 9.2.2 International Summer School, Windisch, Switzerland, August 19-23, 2019, Revised Selected Papers, pages 376-392, Springer Boston, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology , 2019.
    PDF DOI Link Abstract SP19ifipscBibtexprivacysecurity
  2. Dax, J.; Hamburg, D.; Pape, S.; Pipek, V.; Rannenberg, K.; Schmitz, C.; Sekulla, A. and Terhaag, F.: Sichere Informationsnetze bei kleinen und mittleren Energieversorgern (SIDATE). In State of the Art: IT-Sicherheit für Kritische Infrastrukturen, pages 29, Universität der Bundeswehr, Neubiberg, 2018.
  3. Dax, J.; Ley, B.; Pape, S.; Pipek, V.; Rannenberg, K.; Schmitz, C. and Sekulla, A.: Stand der IT-Sicherheit bei deutschen Stromnetzbetreibern. In State of the Art: IT-Sicherheit für Kritische Infrastrukturen, pages 69-74, Universität der Bundeswehr, Neubiberg, 2018.
  4. Dax, J.; Pape, S.; Pipek, V.; Rannenberg, K.; Schmitz, C.; Sekulla, A. and Terhaag, F.: Das SIDATE-Portal im Einsatz. In State of the Art: IT-Sicherheit für Kritische Infrastrukturen, pages 145-150, Universität der Bundeswehr, Neubiberg, 2018.
    PDF LinkBibtexsecuritysidate
  5. Hamburg, D.; Niephaus, T.; Noll, W.; Pape, S.; Rannenberg, K. and Schmitz, C.: SIDATE: Gefährdungen und Sicherheitsmassnahmen. In State of the Art: IT-Sicherheit für Kritische Infrastrukturen, pages 51, Universität der Bundeswehr, Neubiberg, 2018.
    PDF LinkBibtexsecuritysidate
  6. Kipker, D-K.; Pape, S.; Wojak, S. and Beckers, K.: Juristische Bewertung eines Social-Engineering-Abwehr Trainings. In State of the Art: IT-Sicherheit für Kritische Infrastrukturen, pages 112-115, Universität der Bundeswehr, Neubiberg, 2018.
    PDF LinkBibtexsecurityserious gamesocial engineeringhatchsidate
  7. Harborth, D. and Pape, S.: Privacy Concerns and Behavior of Pokémon Go Players in Germany. In Privacy and Identity Management. The Smart Revolution - 12th IFIP WG 9.2, 9.5, 9.6/11.7, 11.6/SIG 9.2.2 International Summer School, Ispra, Italy, September 4-8, 2017, Revised Selected Papers, pages 314-329, Springer International Publishing, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 526, 2017.
    PDF DOI Link Abstract HP17ifipscBibtexinformation systemsprivacyanon
  8. Pape, S.: Technische Bedingungen wirksamer Verschlüsselung. In Jahrbuch 2016, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Recht und Informatik, 2017, available via
  9. Pape, S.: A Survey on Non-transferable Anonymous Credentials. In The Future of Identity in the Information Society, pages 107-118, Springer Boston, Brno, Czech Republic, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 298, 2009.
    PDF DOI Link Abstract Pape09ifipscBibtexprivacy
  10. Pape, S. and Benamar, N.: Using Identity-Based Public-Key Cryptography with Images to Preserve Privacy. In The Future of Identity in the Information Society, pages 299-310, Springer Boston, IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 262, 2008.
    DOI Link Abstract PB08ifipscBibtexcryptoprivacy


  1. Pape, S.: Requirements Engineering and Tool-Support for Security and Privacy.
    Link Abstract Pape20habilBibtexiotprivacysecurityserious gamesocial engineering
  2. Pape, S.: The Challenge of Authentication in Insecure Environments.
  3. Pape, S.: Sicherheitsmodelle für das Ajtai-Dwork-Kryptosystem.
    PDF Abstract pape04thesisBibtexcrypto


  1. Harborth, D. and Pape, S.: Dataset on Actual Users of the Privacy-Enhancing Technology Jondonym. IEEE Dataport, 2020.
    DOI Link Dataset Dataset Abstract HP20dataportJDBibtexprivacyanon
  2. Harborth, D. and Pape, S.: Dataset on Actual Users of the Privacy-Enhancing Technology Tor. IEEE Dataport, 2020.
    DOI Link Dataset Dataset Abstract HP20dataportTorBibtexprivacyanon

Techreports and Other Contributions

  1. Goeke, L.; Pape, S. and Tsakirakis, G.: THREAT-ARREST serious games v2. Technical Report Deliverable 4.9, Threat-Arrest, 2021.
    Abstract TA21D4.9Bibtexsecuritythreat-arrest
  2. Miller, V. M.; Miller, M.; Rannenberg, K.; Niknia, A.; Arastouei, N.; Pape, S.; Skarmeta, A.; Ferreira, A.; Markatos, E.; Matyas, V.; Crabu, M.; Lopez, J.; Fernandez, C.; Pasic, A.; Omerovic, A.; Lafuente, A. L.; Angelini, M.; Hemetsberger, L.; Halunen, K.; Krenn, S.; Annicchino, P.; Kamm, L.; Goodman, D.; Goodman, R.; Surinx, D.; Preuveneers, D.; Sterlini, P.; Kadenko, N.; Douligeris, C. and Benzekri, A.: Clustering results and SU-ICT-03 project CONCERTATION conference year 1. Technical Report, CyberSec4Europe, 2020.
    Link Abstract CS4E20D10.1Bibtexprivacysecuritycs4e
  3. Canavese, D.; Lioy, A.; Pedone, I.; Regano, L.; Hatamian, M.; Löbner, S.; Pape, S.; Arastouei, N.; Skarmeta, A.; Hita, A. and Bernal, J.: Cybersecurity outlook 1. Technical Report, CyberSec4Europe, 2020.
    Link Abstract CS4E20D3.10Bibtexprivacysecuritycs4e
  4. Halunen, K.; Cheminod, M.; Beckerle, M.; Durante, L.; Preuveneers, D.; Kompara, M.; Martinie, C.; Bernabe, J. B.; Garofalo, G.; Tesfay, W. B.; Pape, S.; Palanque, P.; Crispo, B. and Gupta, S.: Usable security & privacy methods and recommendations. Technical Report, CyberSec4Europe, 2020.
    Link Abstract CS4E20D3.5Bibtexprivacysecuritycs4e
  5. Crispo, B.; Gupta, S.; Halunen, K.; Kompara, M.; Preuveneers, D.; Palanque, P.; Beckerle, M.; Martinie, C.; Hita, A. and Pape, S.: Usability Requirements Validation. Technical Report, CyberSec4Europe, 2020.
    Link Abstract CS4E20D3.7Bibtexprivacysecuritycs4e
  6. Koshutanski, H.; Frati, F.; Hildebrandt, T.; Hatzivasilis, G.; Fysarakis, K.; Smyrlis, M.; Spanoudakis, G.; Blinder, O.; Goeke, L.; Pape, S.; Leftheriotis, G.; Tsakirakis, G.; Bravos, G. and Kunc, M.: Initial Prototype of Integrated THREAT-ARREST Platform. Technical Report, Threat-Arrest, 2020.
    Abstract TA20D6.1Bibtexsecuritythreat-arrest
  7. Koshutanski, H.; Frati, F.; Hildebrandt, T.; Hatzivasilis, G.; Fysarakis, K.; Smyrlis, M.; Spanoudaki, S.; Spanoudakis, G.; Blinder, O.; Goeke, L.; Quintanar, A.; Pape, S.; Tsakirakis, G. and Bravos, G.: Initial installation and usage guidelines for the THREAT-ARREST platform. Technical Report, Threat-Arrest, 2020.
    Abstract TA20D6.2Bibtexsecuritythreat-arrest
  8. Frati, F. and Braghin, C., ed.: The Stakeholders' Engagement & Online Channels Report. Technical Report, Threat-Arrest, 2020.
    Link Abstract TA20D8.4Bibtexsecuritythreat-arrest
  9. Sofia, S.; Konstantina, K.; Tsantekidis, M.; Pape, S.; Leftheriotis, G.; Chieti, A.; Oikonomou, F. and Bravos, G.: The THREAT-ARREST dissemination and exploitation report v.1 1. Technical Report Deliverable 8.5, Threat-Arrest, 2020.
    Link Abstract TA20D8.5Bibtexsecuritythreat-arrest
  10. Koshutanski, H.; Tsantekidis, M.; Damiani, E.; Frati, F.; Cimato, S.; Riccobene, E.; Hatzivasilis, G.; Fysarakis, K.; Spanoudakis, G.; Blinder, O.; Vinov, M.; Hildebrandt, T.; Wortmann, D.; Rompoti, V.; Bravos, G.; Chatzigiannakis, V.; Beckers, K.; Pape, S.; Kunc, M. and Bašta, P.: THREAT-ARREST platform's initial reference architecture. Technical Report Deliverable 1.3, Threat-Arrest, 2019.
    Link Abstract TA19D1.3Bibtexsecuritythreat-arrest
  11. Beckers, K.; Goeke, L.; Pape, S. and Bravos, G.: THREAT-ARREST THREAT serious games v1. Technical Report Deliverable 4.2, Threat-Arrest, 2019.
    Link Abstract TA19D4.2Bibtexsecurityserious gamesocial engineeringthreat-arrest
  12. Harborth, D. and Pape, S.: German Translation of the Concerns for Information Privacy (CFIP) Construct. Technical Report, SSRN, 2018.
    PDF DOI Link Abstract HP18ssrn_cfipBibtexprivacyanon
  13. Harborth, D. and Pape, S.: German Translation of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) Questionnaire. Technical Report, SSRN, 2018.
    PDF DOI Link Abstract HP18ssrn_utautBibtexinformation systemsanon
  14. Pape, S.; Pipek, V.; Rannenberg, K.; Schmitz, C.; Sekulla, A. and Terhaag, F.: Stand zur IT-Sicherheit deutscher Stromnetzbetreiber : technischer Bericht. Technical Report, Universität Siegen, 2018.
    PDF Link Abstract PPRSST18trBibtexsecuritysidate
  15. Dax, J.; Ivan, A.; Ley, B.; Pape, S.; Pipek, V.; Rannenberg, K.; Schmitz, C. and Sekulla, A.: IT Security Status of German Energy Providers. Technical Report, Cornell University, arXiv, 2017.
    PDF Link Abstract DILPPRSS17trBibtexsecuritysidate
  16. Dax, J.; Ley, B.; Pape, S.; Pipek, V.; Rannenberg, K.; Schmitz, C. and Sekulla, A.: Stand zur IT-Sicherheit deutscher Stromnetzbetreiber : technischer Bericht. Technical Report, Universität Siegen, 2017.
    PDF Link Abstract DLPPRSS17trBibtexsecuritysidate
  17. Harborth, D.; Herrmann, D.; Köpsell, S.; Pape, S.; Roth, C.; Federrath, H.; Kesdogan, D. and Rannenberg, K.: Integrating Privacy-Enhancing Technologies into the Internet Infrastructure. Technical Report, Cornell University, arXiv, 2017.
    PDF Link Abstract HHKPRFKR17anonBibtexprivacyanon
  18. Ochoa, M.; Pape, S.; Ruhroth, T.; Sprick, B.; Stenzel, K. and Sudbrock, H.: Report on the RS3 Topic Workshop "Security Properties in Software Engineering". Technical Report, Universitätsbibliothek der Universität Augsburg, Universitätsstr. 22, 86159 Augsburg, 2012.
    PDF Link Abstract OPRSSS12trBibtexsecuritysoftware engineeringmodelsec
  19. Pape, S.; Schöch, C. and Wegner, L.: A Framework for TEI-Based Scholarly Text Editions. Technical Report, Universität Kassel, 2010.
    PDF Link Abstract PSW10trBibtexsoftware engineeringteichi
  20. Wolf, C.; Pape, S. and Porada, L.: Leitfaden zur Gründung von GI - Studierendengruppen (GI-SG). , 2010.
  21. Pape, S.: Some Observations on Reusing One-Time Pads within Dice Codings (abstract). Technical Report, in Tagungsband zum 10. Kryptotag, Workshop der Fachgruppe Angewandte Kryptologie in der Gesellschaft für Informatik, 2009.
  22. Pape, S.: Templateless Biometric-Enforced Non-Transferability of Anonymous Credentials (extended abstract). Technical Report, Weimar, in Book of Abstracts of the 2nd Weekend of Cryptography, 2008.
  23. Pape, S.: Embedding Biometric Information into Anonymous Credentials. Technical Report 68, in Extended Abstracts of the Second Privacy Enhancing Technologies Convention (PET-CON 2008.1), 2008.
    Abstract pape08petconBibtexprivacy


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